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June 9….The Movie That Wasn’t There…

When I first decided to start up the movie blog (I think it was then called Fat Bloke Watching or something along those lines…) I was looking through YouTube for movies as a starting point to review as well as talking about various things happening in the movies. There was a huge amount of free movies in the YouTube Movies section that were interesting and one that always stood out for me was June 9.

Back in 2011 I did a review for June 9 (CLICK HERE) and even had a link for the full movie….but recently I thought I’d do a better review of the movie (and some of the others too maybe, keep your eyes peeled readers.), but now the movie appears to be unavailable to view, I’d even checked places like Amazon who had it in thier back catalogue but it’s currently listed as unavailable at this time.

After doing a little more delving I found that the movie had been released in 2018. Confused? So was I as this was the exact same movie, same poster advertised it, same cast and crew, same premise….but apparently it was not released until 2018 although I’m unable to find any copies of the movie!

I did more research and it appears that the movie was first made (release June 9 2008) and available on VOD which is when I first saw it but the movie has now the rights have been picked up by someone else for a potentially bigger release (release June 9 2018) only now, strangely, the movie is not currently available anywhere.

June 9 is actually a released movie. It’s Not Rated and was at one stage available on VOD and you may be able to track down the 2008 DVD online.

I’ll do a new updated review when I can finally obtain a copy.

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