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Quest for the WORST Movie Part 24: Pet Sematary Two

Yup, it looks like this quest is certainly going to be filled mostly with damn horrors, doesn’t it? Well, here we go again then, another bad movie to check to see if it can beat Birdemic.

After watching the first movie last year for the Quest (and earlier this year with TC3 who is shaping up to be quite a horror fan…) and the remake with Awesome Cupcake just after her birthday (and the movie got the rare and dubious honour of being a movie trip that became part of #QFTWM instantly) I thought I was I was done with this part of the Stephen Kingdom (yes, that is what I call this universe… Does it have another name? Let me know readers.) and was actually glad.


Despite Awesome Cupcake telling many, many times about Pet Sematary Two I somehow forgot about this “gem”…. So when she reminded me about this again I then had TC3 wanting to watch it with me too (I’m pretty sure he is just a glutton for punishment).

Urgh, so let’s get this over with then…

The other movie poster has the tagline “Back by Popular Demand.” Seriously?

So, obviously this movie follows after the events that happened to Creed family (I’m not recapping what happened, no spoilers here, go watch the movie… If you really must.). A new family moves into the area after the mother dies in a freak accident and the father & son try to make a fresh start (even though the son is still clinging onto his mother’s things, which to be fair is understandable). The son makes a friend and the father gets a job as a vet and they get along…although the father hires a housekeeper which the son takes an instant dislike to.

Then the family and people around then go through the usual things that happen when you mess with this Indian burial ground and the family and friends will soon discover the hard way that sometimes dead is better no matter how much you wish you could bring back the beloved back from the grave….pet or otherwise.

I have to get something off my chest here….John Connor looks ROUGH! Edward Furlong does not look great in this movie and this was only a year after Judgement Day…damn.

And as much as I really dislike this movie I have to say that Clancy Brown well and truly stole the show. His character is an absolute jerk, and in the end gets ramped up somewhat, and it’s funny how it is…and it was the only part that really entertained me. The special effects were stupidly unconvincing and the script was awful. You could tell this movie was just there to make some money off the title and the stars and it was rubbish. The only positives for me were the crazy bits with Clancy Brown and the music on the end titles (Ramones for the win!).

When all is said and done, this movie is basically fodder for #Badmovieperloser. I’m sure #LoneWolfReviews will be highly impressed. But despite this fact it is still better than Birdemic…scary.

As for TC3, well, he fell asleep watching the movie, which speaks volumes. He’s also seen Birdemic…. He says this is better than Birdemic as he’d never atch Birdemic or it’s sequels ever again.

Pet Sematary Two is rated 15 and is available on Blu-Ray, DVD and Digital Download.

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